miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010
Kitchen Decoration Ideas
Another useful thing is this website about kitchen decorations. It is very complex, I found lots of info here... great ideas. Visit Kitchen Decoration Ideas to see what I'm talking about.
Tongue Twisters
Hey guys.. I have something cool to show you: Funny Tongue Twisters (a cool collection of tongue twisters). Try it!
joi, 22 iulie 2010
Erkin Bekbolotov
Ozzy Osbourne's new album (Let me hear you scream)
I don't know about you guys.. but I'm a huge fan of Ozzy Osbourne. I bought his album in the first day it started selling. In my opinion it's an awesome material. You can download it first for a first idea, but I strongly suggest to buy it.
In one of my future posts I'll write about the Iron Maiden concert (August 15, Cluj, Romania).
Erkin Bekbolotov,
let me hear you scream,
new album,
ozzy osbourne,
Useful Stuff
duminică, 4 iulie 2010
Summer Break Fest 2010 (Romania)
The summer starts with "Summer Break"!
The sixth edition of electronic music and visual art festival will take place at the Gyulay Ferenc Castle (Mintia, Romania - 8 km distance from Deva) on July 8-9-10. A historical view which involves a mystic air in the middle of an enchanting natural environment.
Three torrid days in nature only with: music, 40 artists, 50000 watts, visuals, workshops, skate break, climbing pannel, handmade corner, lounge area, free camping and much more!
Blanoz Soundsystem LIVE
Brk-Out / Eternal Sunshine / Pho / Kjk
K-Lu & Limun
The sixth edition of electronic music and visual art festival will take place at the Gyulay Ferenc Castle (Mintia, Romania - 8 km distance from Deva) on July 8-9-10. A historical view which involves a mystic air in the middle of an enchanting natural environment.
Three torrid days in nature only with: music, 40 artists, 50000 watts, visuals, workshops, skate break, climbing pannel, handmade corner, lounge area, free camping and much more!
Blanoz Soundsystem LIVE
Brk-Out / Eternal Sunshine / Pho / Kjk
K-Lu & Limun
more info:Summer Break Website
electronic music,
summer break,
Useful Stuff,
visual art
sâmbătă, 3 iulie 2010

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south africa,
World Cup
Father`s Day
● Father's Day is a celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, and special dinners to fathers and family-oriented activities. It originates in Spokane, Washington. In 2011, it will be celebrated on June 19 in many countries.
● The first observance of Father's Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 a church in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia at the Central United Methodist Church of Fairmont.
● Mrs. John B. Dodd of Washington thought independently of the holiday one Sunday in 1909 while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in church, and she arranged a tribute for her father in June 19, 1910. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father's Day observance.
● Where Mother's Day was met with enthusiasm, Father's Day was met with laughter. Many people saw it as just the first step in filling the calendar with mindless promotions like "Grandparents' Day", "Professional Secretaries' Day", etc. all the way down to "National Clean Your Desk Day".
● A bill was introduced on 1913, US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924, a national committee was formed in the 1930s by trade groups in order to legitimate the holiday, President Lyndon Johnson made a proclamation in 1966 but it wasn't made a permanent holiday until 1976 with Richard Nixon.
● In addition to Father's Day, International Men's Day is celebrated in many countries, most often on November 19.
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● The first observance of Father's Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 a church in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia at the Central United Methodist Church of Fairmont.
● Mrs. John B. Dodd of Washington thought independently of the holiday one Sunday in 1909 while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in church, and she arranged a tribute for her father in June 19, 1910. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father's Day observance.
● Where Mother's Day was met with enthusiasm, Father's Day was met with laughter. Many people saw it as just the first step in filling the calendar with mindless promotions like "Grandparents' Day", "Professional Secretaries' Day", etc. all the way down to "National Clean Your Desk Day".
● A bill was introduced on 1913, US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924, a national committee was formed in the 1930s by trade groups in order to legitimate the holiday, President Lyndon Johnson made a proclamation in 1966 but it wasn't made a permanent holiday until 1976 with Richard Nixon.
● In addition to Father's Day, International Men's Day is celebrated in many countries, most often on November 19.
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Penis Length Obsession

One of the obsessive questions that men ask their selves is related to how "well equipped" they are. The desire of penis enlargement bothers many men, witch determined many specialists to discover efficient methods in this case. They recommend liquid silicone injections or some exercise. You must know from the beginning that the penis doesn't change its length. But with exercise and with recommended body oil massages, there is the possibility of sexual muscle tonification. For example, the Kegel exercise strengthens the pelvial muscles, which is located at the base of the penis. While urinating, you must stop the flux several times. You must do this exercise two-three times a day. Than you must rise the number of contractions up to 50 times a day. The effects will be visible in maximum three months.
After many sex therapists, the average penis length is 7-11 cm in flaccid state and 12-18 cm while erect. Most women prefer men with a smaller penis, that know many more ways to satisfy them, than men that "hit with their huge stick" without knowing anything and causing pain, diminishing the sex lust.
So, stop thinking about your penis` length; you won`t do anything but suffer of anxiety, inhibit yourselves and maybe get some unpleasant sexual dysfunction
I recommend you to be happy with what you have and get to work.
If you liked my content, please share. Thanks!
vineri, 2 iulie 2010
7 Secrets of Lucky People
- Imagine that fate is on your side. To have such an attitude, you must believe all the time that good things will happen to you, not just from time to time.
- Try to keep the negative emotions under control. Timidity, fury and resentments turn against you. How to repress them? First of all you must find out what triggers these emotions, so you can crush them before they take over you.
- Be open at opportunities. You don`t know what fate reserves for you, but you can improve your luck by training: being confident in people and in the fact that good things will happen to you if you do so. Keeping your beautiful ideas for yourself won`t help anybody with anything.
- Think that the world is yours. You won`t have better luck if you stay home. You should enjoy going to different events you are invited to. You should see how you can exploit them to improve your luck. You have more to win in life if you are willing to learn. Specialists suggest to put great price on friends and not to be obsessed with money. You will see that luck won`t avoid you.
- Don`t envy others. The ones who compare their lives with others` in obsessive way, end up unfortunate. For example, if you are obsessed that someone is luckier than you, you will fell like a loser.
- As much people you know and as pleasant you make yourself, as much lucky you get. Being sociable, energetic and open, means being a lucky person.
- Let`s see the good part. To be lucky, you must see the past in a positive light, and the present with optimism.
If you enjoyed reading my content, please share it with friends (facebook, twitter, digg, etc.) so anybody can read these great tips. Thanks for reading.
four leaf clover,
lucky people,
Useful Stuff
Africa de Sud
Relieful Africii de Sud se imparte in doua zone. Prima este formata din podisuri predominante din roci bazaltice, cu altitudini medii de 550-1000 m. A doua regiune a reliefului este formata dintr-o unitate montana alcatuita din sistemul muntos Great Escarpment, care margineste podisurile spre litoral. El se termina cu Muntii Scorpiei (Drakensberg) in est; cele mai insemnate sunt varful Njesuthi cu 3408 m, si varful Cathin Peak – cel mai inalt varf montan – cu 3657 m. In partea de nord a muntilor Scorpiei se afla canionul raului Blyde, extrem de spectaculos, al treilea ca marime pe glob. La nord de fluviul Orange este un sector al desertului Kalahari cu altitudini medii de 900-1100m. In vestul tarii se afla o parte din sudul desertului Namib. Dupa el se intinde de-a lungul coastei (60 km) o campie litorala. Malurile – de la granita cu Mozambic din est, pana la fluviul Orange din vest – sunt in majoritate inalte, stancoase si abrupte, presarate din cand in cand cu golfuri si peninsule (Capul Bunei Sperante, Capul Acelor).
Vegetatia tipica Africii de Sud este reprezentata prin plante xerofile, de desert si semidesert. Savanele se prelungesc din podisurile estice, unde au ierburi inalte (veld) spre interiorul tarii, unde se tranforma in stepe cu ierburi rare si tufisuri. In vest apar fasii de vegetatie dispuse aproape paralel cu tarmul: desert (Namib), stepe si asociatii de plante suculente (aloe). Regiunea Cap are o vegetatie mediteraneana bogata, cu numerosi arbusti vesnic verzi.
Stiati ca?
Africa de Sud are 3 capitole: Cape Town (legislativa), Pretoria (administrativa) si Bloemfontein (judiciara), insa cel mai important oras din punct de vedere economic, industrial si cultural, orasul Johannesburg este mai important.
In Constitutia Africii de Sud sunt recunoscute 11 limbi oficiale: Afrikaans, Engleza, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa si Zulu. Limba engleza este limba cea mai folosita in sferele comerciale, oficiale si publice. In ciuda acestui fapt, este pe locul cinci intre limbile materne. Populatia Africii de Sud este de o mare diversitate etnica, cu cele mai mari comunitati de albi, indieni si mulatri de pe continentul african. Cu toate ca 79,5% din populatia Africii de Sud este neagra, aceasta este alcatuita dintr-o mare varietate de grupuri etnice care vorbesc diferite limbi bantu, dintre acestea noua au statut oficial.
Africa de Sud are cea mai veche industrie a vinului din afara Europei si marii Mediteraneene. Aici se gasesc Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cinsault, Riesling, Shiraz, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon si Pinotage.
Obiective din Africa de Sud ce sunt incluse pe lista patrimoniului mondial UNESCO : Parcul natural din zona umeda Sainte-Lucie (1999), Robben Island (1999), Siturile fosilifere cu hominizi de la Sterkfontein, Swartkrank, Kromdraai si din imprejurimile acestora (1999, 2005), Parcul natural Drakensberg (Qathlamba) (2000), Peisajul cultural din Mapungubwe (2003), Arealul protejat din regiunea Cap Floral (2004), Domul Vredefort (2005) si Peisajul cultural si botanic de la Richtersveld (2007).
Relieful Africii de Sud se imparte in doua zone. Prima este formata din podisuri predominante din roci bazaltice, cu altitudini medii de 550-1000 m. A doua regiune a reliefului este formata dintr-o unitate montana alcatuita din sistemul muntos Great Escarpment, care margineste podisurile spre litoral. El se termina cu Muntii Scorpiei (Drakensberg) in est; cele mai insemnate sunt varful Njesuthi cu 3408 m, si varful Cathin Peak – cel mai inalt varf montan – cu 3657 m. In partea de nord a muntilor Scorpiei se afla canionul raului Blyde, extrem de spectaculos, al treilea ca marime pe glob. La nord de fluviul Orange este un sector al desertului Kalahari cu altitudini medii de 900-1100m. In vestul tarii se afla o parte din sudul desertului Namib. Dupa el se intinde de-a lungul coastei (60 km) o campie litorala. Malurile – de la granita cu Mozambic din est, pana la fluviul Orange din vest – sunt in majoritate inalte, stancoase si abrupte, presarate din cand in cand cu golfuri si peninsule (Capul Bunei Sperante, Capul Acelor).

Vegetatia tipica Africii de Sud este reprezentata prin plante xerofile, de desert si semidesert. Savanele se prelungesc din podisurile estice, unde au ierburi inalte (veld) spre interiorul tarii, unde se tranforma in stepe cu ierburi rare si tufisuri. In vest apar fasii de vegetatie dispuse aproape paralel cu tarmul: desert (Namib), stepe si asociatii de plante suculente (aloe). Regiunea Cap are o vegetatie mediteraneana bogata, cu numerosi arbusti vesnic verzi.

Africa de Sud are 3 capitole: Cape Town (legislativa), Pretoria (administrativa) si Bloemfontein (judiciara), insa cel mai important oras din punct de vedere economic, industrial si cultural, orasul Johannesburg este mai important.
In Constitutia Africii de Sud sunt recunoscute 11 limbi oficiale: Afrikaans, Engleza, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa si Zulu. Limba engleza este limba cea mai folosita in sferele comerciale, oficiale si publice. In ciuda acestui fapt, este pe locul cinci intre limbile materne. Populatia Africii de Sud este de o mare diversitate etnica, cu cele mai mari comunitati de albi, indieni si mulatri de pe continentul african. Cu toate ca 79,5% din populatia Africii de Sud este neagra, aceasta este alcatuita dintr-o mare varietate de grupuri etnice care vorbesc diferite limbi bantu, dintre acestea noua au statut oficial.
Africa de Sud are cea mai veche industrie a vinului din afara Europei si marii Mediteraneene. Aici se gasesc Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cinsault, Riesling, Shiraz, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon si Pinotage.
Obiective din Africa de Sud ce sunt incluse pe lista patrimoniului mondial UNESCO : Parcul natural din zona umeda Sainte-Lucie (1999), Robben Island (1999), Siturile fosilifere cu hominizi de la Sterkfontein, Swartkrank, Kromdraai si din imprejurimile acestora (1999, 2005), Parcul natural Drakensberg (Qathlamba) (2000), Peisajul cultural din Mapungubwe (2003), Arealul protejat din regiunea Cap Floral (2004), Domul Vredefort (2005) si Peisajul cultural si botanic de la Richtersveld (2007).

Africa de Sud,
stiati ca,
Useful Stuff,
luni, 28 iunie 2010
How to make napalm
sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010
Medusa (Greek: Μέδουσα (Médousa), "guardian, protectress"[1]) was, in Greek mythology a Gorgon, a chthonic female monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto;[2] Only Hyginus, (Fabulae, 151) interposes a generation and gives another chthonic pair as parents of Medusa;[3] gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head as a weapon[4] until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion.
Medusa in appearance:
Many people believe that Medusa was very ugly. In truth, Medusa and her sisters' beauty rivaled Aphrodite's. Aphrodite was jealous and cursed Medusa and her sisters with snakes for hair and when anyone meets their gaze, that person turns to stone. So truthfully, Medusa was very gorgeous.
Medusa in appearance:
Many people believe that Medusa was very ugly. In truth, Medusa and her sisters' beauty rivaled Aphrodite's. Aphrodite was jealous and cursed Medusa and her sisters with snakes for hair and when anyone meets their gaze, that person turns to stone. So truthfully, Medusa was very gorgeous.


vineri, 25 iunie 2010
10 interesting things about World Cup

2. Pele (Brazil) is the only player that won 3 World Cups: 1958, 1962, 1970.
3. The World Cup trophy was stolen before England edition 1966. After a week, the trophy was found in a bush by a dog, Pickles, who was taking a walk with his owner.
4. Pele (Brazil) has became the youngest player that scored at World Cup (1958). He was 17.
5. At 1986 edition, Jose Batista (Uruguay) was eliminated at 00.56 of the first half. He became the player who got eliminated the earliest in the history of World Cup.
6. Spain holds the record for the most games played by a country that never won the Cup. Spain played so far 49 games at World Cup.
7. In 2001 Australia defeated American Samoa with the score of 31-0, recording the biggest score difference at a qualification match at World Cup.
8. The game with the most goals scored (12) took place between Australia and Switzerland in 1954. Australia won (7-5).
9. In 1982, Germany scored in the 10th minute of the game against Austria. Both teams agreed with the score. In the remaining 80 minutes, none of the teams attacked.
10. The World Cup 2010 edition will have 30 referees from 28 countries.
10 interesting things about world cup,
jose batista,
World Cup
luni, 21 iunie 2010
A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the head and torso of human female and the tail of a fish. The male version of a mermaid is called a merman; the gender-neutral collective noun is merfolk. Various cultures throughout the world have similar figures.

Father`s Day Poems & Quotes

I am not the autor, I found these poems on the net. I hope you guys like them.
A Dad is
A Dad is respected because he gives his children leadership.
A Dad is appreciated because he gives his children care.
A Dad is valued because he gives his children time.
A Dad is loved because he gives his children the one thing they treasure most - himself.
~ Author Unknown (taken from a church bulletin)
A Dad is respected because he gives his children leadership.
A Dad is appreciated because he gives his children care.
A Dad is valued because he gives his children time.
A Dad is loved because he gives his children the one thing they treasure most - himself.
~ Author Unknown (taken from a church bulletin)
Happy Father's Day
"Happy Father's Day" means more than have a happy day.
Within those words lie lots of things we never get to say.
It means we love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to us,
And that we honor you.
But most of all, I guess it means that we are thinking of...
Your happiness on this, your day,
with pleasure and with love.
~ Author Unknown
"Happy Father's Day" means more than have a happy day.
Within those words lie lots of things we never get to say.
It means we love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to us,
And that we honor you.
But most of all, I guess it means that we are thinking of...
Your happiness on this, your day,
with pleasure and with love.
~ Author Unknown
What Makes A Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
~ Author Unknown
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
~ Author Unknown
A Place Just For Dad
We many not shower him with praise
Nor mention his name in song,
And sometimes it seems that we forget
The joy he spreads as he goes along,
But it doesn't mean that we don't know
The wonderful role that he has had.
And away down deep in every heart
There's a place that is just for Dad...
~ Author Unknown
We many not shower him with praise
Nor mention his name in song,
And sometimes it seems that we forget
The joy he spreads as he goes along,
But it doesn't mean that we don't know
The wonderful role that he has had.
And away down deep in every heart
There's a place that is just for Dad...
~ Author Unknown
Daddy, I Love You
Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'Cause you love me, too.
Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile 'cause I love you
On this Father's Day.
~ Author Unknown
"Walk a little slower, Daddy,"
said a child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps
and I don't want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they're hard to see;
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For you are leading me.
Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who'll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you."
~ Author Unknown
"Walk a little slower, Daddy,"
said a child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps
and I don't want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they're hard to see;
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For you are leading me.
Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who'll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you."
~ Author Unknown
A dwarf is a creature from Germanic mythologies, fairy tales, fantasy fiction, and role-playing games. It usually has magical talents, often involving metallurgy.
The term 'dwarf' can now describe very short humans, regardless of its mythical origins. The universal modern description of a dwarf is something short, usually associated with magic, fantasy, and fairy tales.
The term 'dwarf' can now describe very short humans, regardless of its mythical origins. The universal modern description of a dwarf is something short, usually associated with magic, fantasy, and fairy tales.

sâmbătă, 19 iunie 2010
The Centaur
In Greek Mythology, the centaurs (from Ancient Greek: Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse.
This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.
The most common theory holds that the idea of centaurs came from the first reaction of a non-riding culture, as in the Minoan Aegean world, to nomads who were mounted on horses. The theory suggests that such riders would appear as half-man, half-animal.
This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.
The most common theory holds that the idea of centaurs came from the first reaction of a non-riding culture, as in the Minoan Aegean world, to nomads who were mounted on horses. The theory suggests that such riders would appear as half-man, half-animal.

half horse,
half human,
Mythological Creatures
miercuri, 16 iunie 2010
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